You should carefully read the following Terms and Conditions. This is a legal agreement between "YOU", the user of "Super Note" hereinafter referred to as "Application" and "DROID-VEDA LLP" hereinafter referred to as the "Company".

Your purchase or use of this Application implies that you have read and accepted these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to any of the conditions below, do not download / continue the usage of this Application.

The Company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace any part of this Agreement in future. Your continued use of this Application or the Services after the posting of revisions to this Agreement will constitute your acceptance of such revisions.

1. Proprietary Rights

As a user of the Application or a user registered to use any of the Services (a "Registered User"), you agree to the following:

This Company is the sole owner of this Application. You do not own/claim any rights or ownership over any part of the Application. Any fee if paid by You prior to your usage of this Application is only to grant access or use the application and its services.

You are not eligible / allowed to reverse engineer, hack, and make illegal copies of the Application. Any act by you of the above mentioned types is a violation of the agreement and renders you in-eligible to use the Application.

2. Data Protection

This data transmitted during cloud backup to your Google Drive/Dropbox is encrypted as per Google Drive/Dropbox's standards. For more details please contact Google Drive/Dropbox's policies.

3. Disclaimer of Warranty

The Company does not make any warranty or guarantee regarding the safety of data stored in the application. If this Application has features that allows or makes use of any third party services to store or transmit your data in any form, then the use of any such feature by You is also an acceptance of the agreement that may be imposed by the third party.

The Company and any Affiliated Party shall not be liable for any loss, injury, claim, liability, or damage of any kind resulting in any way from

a. Any errors in or omissions in the Application or any services or products obtainable there from.

b. The unavailability or interruption of the Application or any features thereof.

c. Your use of the Application.

d. The content contained on the Application.

e. Any delay or failure in performance beyond the control of a Covered Party.

f. Any error in any third party application that might be used with the Application.

g. Any loss of data that might be a result of an existing error in the Application.

4. Term and Termination

This Agreement will become effective upon your acceptance of the Agreement by your use of the Application or the Services and will remain in effect in perpetuity unless terminated hereunder. The Company reserves the right to immediately suspend or terminate your access to any of the Services, without notice, for violation or non-compliance with this Agreement or any other part of this Agreement, or Privacy Policy, or for any other reason or no reason


1. Information Collection and Use

The Application does not directly collect any personal information that can be used to identify the user.

2. Data Storage and Transfer

Any data enetred by the user in the Application is stored locally on the device and not on Company's servers.

3. Information Access and Disclosure

Does Super Note/Droid-Veda LLP Share My Personal Information or Content? Droid-Veda is not in the business of selling or renting user information. To keep the things simple, the application is designed to run offline without any sign-up/registration process and does not require any data to be sent to Company's servers. Any data shared explicitly shared via the sharing feature in the application is the sole responsibility of the user.

4. Use of Advertisements

The Application may display in-app advertisements as a part of monetization strategy. The advertisements are sourced using third party providers who may/may not use location tracking mechanisms to serve advertisements more specific to the user.

Revision Date.

This Agreement was last revised on September 24, 2013

Copyright � DROID-VEDA LLP All Rights Reserved. DROID-VEDA LLP Limited is the sole proprietor of the mark SUPER NOTE in all its forms. Other trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.